
Possibilities for making use of adjusted testing

In some cases, you can be given extra time to complete an exam or other assignment, if you have dyslexia, for instance. In that case, this extra time constitutes an aid. Other aids are possible as well, including text-to-speech/dictation software, the presence of an assistant or the option to take the test or exam in sections. The Examination Board at your faculty will determine whether you are permitted to use a given aid or adjustment. Ask your educational institution about the possibilities in connection with adjusted testing and try to explain what you need in clear terms!

Nationwide schemes

In the Netherlands, there are nationwide schemes that might provide you with financial assistance for purchasing the accommodations you need to be successful in your studies or when taking your exams. In some cases, you can request aids from the Social Security Agency (UWV) or apply for reimbursement/funds from them in order to purchase an aid. Examples of accommodations are a speech-to-text reporter or sign-language interpreter, computer equipment or a modified chair. Please note: do not go out and buy the aids yourself without talking to the Social Security Agency first. If you do, you run the risk of an unpleasant surprise if reimbursement turns out not to be an option!

Have a look at the other facilities, accommodations or schemes that might be helpful for you, too.

Schemes provided by educational institutions

To help them take part in education and with regard to testing, students with a special need can often choose from multiple forms of adjustment. Below, a number of examples are given of the other possibilities for aids and adjustments. These options can differ from one educational institution to the next. There may also be other additional options besides these accommodations.

What can your educational institution do for you?

Always contact your educational institution if you would like to discuss which educational and testing resources fit your support needs. It is also a good idea to check your educational institution's website.Wat kan je onderwijsinstelling voor jou betekenen?

Where can I get help at my educational institute?


Assessments / exams

  • Extra guidance: extra supervision from a practicum teacher.
  • Safety: check for safety in the practicum room of supplies and persons.
  • Accessibility: perform assignment/work with assistance.
  • Extra practice: help with extra practice of practicum skills (teacher, fellow student, older student).
  • Instructing: giving instructions to assistant rather than performing yourself.
  • Adapt assignment: adapt assignment so that the competencies involved are assessed in a way that the student can perform them (thinking with the teacher for a creative solution).
  • Professional practice: taking inventory of your possibilities in professional practice with the help of your dean and study advisor. Finding a balance between meeting the final competencies and existing opportunities later in the professional field.
  • Demonstrate theory: verbally describe actions you cannot perform.
  • Extra time: request extra time for assessments or exams from the examination board.
  • Tools: ask in advance if you can use tools.
  • Study buddy: collaborate with study buddy/regular fellow student.
  • Computer: make use of computer and ICT aids if possible.
  • Memorecorder: use a memorecorder to take notes/record findings.
  • Oral explanation: in addition to assignment on paper, provide oral instruction. You can ask for this from your teacher.
  • Oral explanation: ask if you can explain your assignment orally.
  • Reading aloud: ask if someone reads the assignments aloud (fellow student).
  • Break: do the practical or assessment in parts and take breaks in between.

Extra time during exams

Extra time during exams also includes the concept of effective adjustment. It is important that the examination requirements remain guaranteed. Thus, if time is part of the competencies being assessed (and the student must therefore demonstrate that you can do something within a certain amount of time), the student cannot be given extra time. If that is not the case, it is in principle possible. How much extra time the student gets depends on the faculty/program, this is not fixed by law. In practice, students often get 30 minutes extra per exam or 33% extra.

Where can I get help at my educational institute?
How do I get in touch with other students with special needs?